Episode 30: New Clients: The Backbone of Success
It all starts with new clients - it’s hard to do any kind of planning before first acquiring a client. In this episode, Heather and Sabine discuss the importance of building your client base and the many benefits of doing the hard work around acquiring new clients. Premium pays the bills today, but new clients pay the bills today AND well into the future.
Episode 29: Activity Coaches & Career Paths
Join guests Jaala Sullivan (Chief Development Officer) and Nicole Kriegel (Kriegel Coaching & Consulting) as they discuss their career journey to and from activity coach. Hear how their previous roles lead to activity coaching and how their activity coaching experience led to where they are today.
Episode 28: Speaking Skills
Polish your communication skills with Heather and Sabine as they share some key speaking tips that will help you get your point across in any situation. Whether you’re terrified of public speaking or can’t wait to hit the stage, the speaking skills in this episode will help you deliver a more powerful message that hits the mark regardless of the situation.
Episode 27: The Art of Listening
Effective coaching requires active listening skills. As a coach, listening is one of your most valuable tools. How would you rate your listening skills? Join us, and you can take our listening quiz. Heather and Sabine will also discuss how you can effectively use listening skills to build relationships, increase trust, and influence those you coach to get successful results.
Episode 26: The Power of Beliefs
As a coach, one of the most important things you can do is help your clients develop a strong sense of conviction around their core beliefs. This is because our beliefs have a powerful impact on our behavior and habits. If we believe that something is possible, we are much more likely to take action and persist in the face of adversity.
Episode 25: Activity Coaching for Interns
In this episode, Sarah Ward and Gabe Adams share their thoughts about activity coaching for interns; how to coach in groups, how to keep things fun, and how to set effective expectations.
Episode 24: The Power of Praise and Recognition
In this episode Sabine and Heather talk about The Power of Praise and Recognition. They dig into the art of effectively praising and recognizing individuals that goes beyond just saying “good job.” They also discuss the most effective ratio of praise to critical feedback and highlight the fact that there is, indeed, such a thing as too much praise.
Episode 23: Accountability Part Two
In this episode, we discuss tactical strategies to create the environment for accountability and follow through to take place. In our Say That Again segment, we role play a “What Do I Want” exercise, which helps to better understand the FRs goals and what drives them.
Episode 22: Approaching Accountability
In this episode we talk about the topic of accountability (part 1). Sabine and Heather will give you some ideas to help you think of how to approach accountability differently. In the Say That Again segment, they role-play a conversation where the rep keeps on missing her commitments.
Episode 21: Completing the Sales Cycle: Follow-up Matters
In this episode we talk about what happens after a sale is made. Today Sabine and Heather talk about follow-up as a critical business strategy to build credibility, trust, future sales, and a client base that no competitor can poach from.
Episode 20: Mental Wellness
In this episode, we discuss an important topic for all which is mental wellness. Sabine and Heather talk about how essential it is to understand mental wellness for your benefit and the people you coach.
Episode 19: 25, 50, 75 Day Reviews
In today’s episode, Heather and Sabine focus on the first 75 days of an FR’s career. They discuss Granums expectations for the first 25, 50, and 75 days and how to determine whether or not this career path is the best fit. They also talk about the importance of promoting and preparing for these critical meetings.